Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ganoderma Effects on Circulation, Nerves and Immune System

            Ganoderma Herbs for Circulation

          As we grow older, we first face problem with blood circulation disorder.
           The increase of blood viscosity will slow down blood circulation. Fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride slowly increase and accumulate on blood vessel wall. As the deposit on blood vessel wall gets thicker, it leads to circulation diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hardening of coronary artery, thrombosis and so on. The narrowing of blood vessel and increase of blockage reduces blood flow and prevent good blood supply from reaching the heart. This in turn leads to pathological changes such as coronary heart disease, angina, pectoris attack and changes in artery system. Certain muscle tissue also age and even deteriorate due to insufficient nutrient from the blood supply and this lead to pathological changes in the same organ. All these lead to aging problems. Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for circulation contains Triterpenes which are able to improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the amount of fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride.
This in turn helps to prevent:
            • Heart disease
            • Hypertension
            • hardening of coronary artery
            • And other coronary heart diseases.
            Studies on mice given intravenous injection of Ganoderma Lucidum herbs have shown that these herbs for circulation can indeed improve blood circulation of cardiac muscle. This herb also helps overcoming cardiac muscle deficiency. Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for circulation can also significantly reduce the symptoms of angina pectoris and provide protection for the heart.
            The effects mentioned above are consistent with the records of ancient Sheng Nong Herbal Classic – “that it cures the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the chest, provides vital energy for heart and mental activity”.

            Ganoderma Herbs for Nerves

            Pharmalogical research had shown that Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for nerves has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system. It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. These herbs for nerves can help to improve sleep and appetite, enhances vital energy, improves memory and helps regain vitality.
All these with no side effects at all.
          As recorded in Sheng Nong Herbal Classic – “Ganoderma can calm one’s mind, enhance wisdom and has no side effects. It is moderate and non toxic”.
            Ganoderma Herbs for Immune System

         Researches have also shown that Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for immune system, is high in Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides. These are active components that strengthen immune system of human body. 

           T-lymphocyte and Macrophage are important immunity cells.

      The active components of Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for immune system can strengthen Lymphocyte and Macrophage to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells.
           As a result, it helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Besides this, Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides can also enhance the composite of Lymphocyte and Macrophage cells individually to release the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and interferon, which further destroy cancer cell.
           Research proved that Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for immune system effectively increase the level of alpha interferon and gamma interferon in human body to further strengthen and regulate immune system, improving cancer...
         Indeed, Ganoderma Lucidum has many beneficial effects as herbs for circulation, herbs for nerves and herbs for immune system.