Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ganoderma Lucidum Herbs for Asthma

            What are the best herbs for asthma?
            Scientific studies proved that Cordyceps Sinensis can improve asthma together with Ganoderma Lucidum and Bee Propolis. How these supplements and herbs for asthma help to improve this disturbing health problem?
            Asthma is a kind of allergic reaction that causes the respiratory tract to contract. This blocks air passage where oxygen cannot enter the lung and carbon dioxide cannot flow out. For severe case, inflammation on the respiratory tract may occur, causing serious phlegm.
            Medications and steroid spray can only control asthma condition. However, choosing the correct herbs for asthma may affect a significant long term improvement.
            Generally, asthma attack is triggered by allergen such as pollen and dust. It causes your immune system to over react.
            Under normal circumstances, your immune system will react actively towards bacteria or virus that enters your body. However, pollen and dust are not germs. If your immune system is unregulated, it will launch the attack on those allergens too! This cause’s allergy or asthma attack.
            In your body defense mechanism, a protein called Immunoglobulin E, IgE functions as radar to detect unfriendly particles. When enemy enters your body, IgE radar will fire up signal calling for other immunity cells to launch an attack.
            If IgE is over sensitive, it will signal an emergency rescue call even when it detects pollen or dust. When the attack is blindly launched, it destroys your own friendly cell.
            An important substance that control and regulate IgE is Interferon Gamma.
            Other immunity regulators are Interferon Alpha, Interferon Beta and other lymphatic cells. This group of immunity regulators will suppress over active immunity cells and enhance the weaker one.
            Thus, it maintains a balance in your complex immune system.
            How herbal remedy for asthma help?
            Scientists found that extract of Cordyceps Sinensis herb can effectively enhance the production of Interferon Gamma. This in turn controls the IgE from becoming over active, improving asthma.
            Cordyceps Sinensis can also dilate (expand) respiratory tract, enhance kidney and lung energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine views asthma as condition caused by weakening of kidney and lung.
            Ganoderma Lucidum herb can enhance Interferon Alpha and Interferon Gamma. Bee Propolis is proven to improve asthma and reduce inflammation and phlegm.
            Therefore, taking these supplements and herbs for asthma together may improve the condition naturally and effectively.
            Meanwhile, try your best to avoid environment that triggers asthma attack.
            Please note that you may not discontinue any forms of medication without doctor’s advice even when you are taking herbs for asthma.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ganoderma Lucidum Herbs for Arthritis

            Are there any herbs for arthritis that can effectively improve this common complaint?
            Yes, there are.
But it depends on what type of arthritis you have. Once you determine your actual causes of arthritis, you can take the specific herbs for arthritis for a natural treatment.
            First, let’s find out more about arthritis…
            Arthritis is a general term for joint’s pain. It can be mild or severe, affecting one or more joints. It causes inflammation, pain, swelling, warmth or stiffness in the affected joint.
            The three most common types are:
            • Osteoarthritis
            • Rheumatoid Arthritis
            • Gout
            Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It is caused by wear and tear due to excessive use over the years or to old injuries in the affected joints. It commonly affects people over 60 years of age.
            Osteoarthritis mostly affects the large weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips and spine, causing pain and stiffness which is worst at the end of the day. The affected person may have difficulty in walking, climbing stairs, squatting or kneeling.
            You can check the severity of osteoarthritis by having an X-ray scan.
            Causes of Osteoarthritis
            Causes of osteoarthritis include:
            1) Accidents or serious injury to joints
            2) High heel shoe
            Common use of high heel shoe injures our foot, knee and back joints. You’re recommended to use it only once a while.
            3) Bad Posture
            Remember to sit and stand with your head and back straight up. Bad posture results in extra stress to the joints especially around neck and back. It causes poor blood circulation too.
            4) Menopause
            Women’s hormones are responsible to lock calcium in their bones. After menopause, when their hormones get lesser, calcium loss increases. This speeds up their joints’ wear and tear.
            5) Unbalanced Diet
            In our diet, acidic food mainly consists of meat, sugar and peanuts. Alkaline food includes fruits and vegetables in general.
            When you take too much acidic food and less alkaline food, your blood becomes more acidic. As your body needs to maintain blood acid/alkaline (pH) level of 7.4, it will transfer calcium (alkaline substance) from the bones into the blood.
            Therefore, it speeds up calcium loss in bones, causing osteoarthritis. Acidic body also causes chronic fatigue, high blood pressure and other diseases.
            For acidic body constitution…
            • Reduce intake of acidic food and eat more fruits and vegetables
            • Prevent consumption of soft drinks as it is highly acidic
            • Remember to control intake of coffee and tea as these drinks will increase calcium loss from bones too.
            Besides this, you can take Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for faster improvement. As herbs for arthritis, this fungus can balance your body acidic value. Therefore, it controls calcium loss from bones.
            Herbs for Osteoarthritis
            In general, Ganoderma Lucidum is not the best herbs for osteoarthritis.
            For this type of arthritis, I recommend taking Cordyceps Sinensis herbs. It effectively enhances your kidney energy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, kidney supports bone functions. Therefore, Cordyceps Sinensis herbs are beneficial for arthritis and osteoporosis.
            Another important supplement that you can take is Coral Calcium. This supplement can effectively strengthen your joint and increase bone density.
            Coral Calcium is a type of organic calcium with the most similar calcium form as calcium in our bone. Therefore, its absorption into bone is the highest and fastest. Another advantage of Coral Calcium is that it won’t cause formation of stones. Excessive Coral Calcium will be excreted out through urine.
            You are also recommended to include these foods in your diet if possible:
            • Brown rice
            • Black sesame
            These are natural foods high in calcium with other beneficial
minerals and nutrients.
            Remember not to overstress the affected joint. For back bone osteoarthritis, prevent from carrying heavy thing.
            For knee osteoarthritis, do not run or climb mountain. Walk and stand less. Exercise by swimming or cycling.
            Please note that if joint’s cartilage is totally worn out or damaged (especially knee joint), it is impossible to heal it with any supplements or herbs for arthritis. You need to undergo operation to install a artificial cartilage.
            If the cartilage has worn out about 50%, there are still chances for improvement.
            Rheumatoid Arthritis
            Rheumatoid arthritis is due to abnormal reaction of body’s immune system to the joints. It can also attack other parts of the body like the muscles, lungs, skin, blood vessels, nerves and eyes. It is most commonly seen in people between the ages of 40 and 60, especially in women.
            Rheumatoid arthritis often affects the small joints, especially of the wrists, hands and feet. It causes pain, stiffness and swelling which is worst in the morning. Later, other joints like the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ankles may also be involved.
            The affected person may find difficulty in gripping eating utensils, turning taps, dressing or writing.
            You know have your Rheumatoid Arthritis when your blood test shows higher than normal value for Rheumatic Factor indicator.
            Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis
            The root cause of rheumatoid arthritis is over active and unregulated immune system. Your immune system is regulated by a group immunity cells especially the lymphatic cells, alpha interferon, beta interferon and gamma interferon.
            These groups of immunity cells will suppress other over active immune cells and strengthen weaker immune cells. Therefore, it plays a very important function of regulating immune system to achieve a balance among different groups of immunity cells.
            Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis
            Ganoderma Lucidum herb is proven to strengthen alpha and gamma interferon while Cordyceps Sinensis herbs can enhance the function of gamma interferon. Taking both of these herbs for arthritis can effectively regulate your immune system.
            Therefore, these herbs for arthritis naturally suppress over active immunity cells and improve the condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
            Gout is a type of arthritis caused by high uric acid. Uric acid is a waste product formed from the breakdown of certain proteins called purines. It is normally removed from the body by kidneys.
            In gout, uric acid builds up and forms crystals which are deposited inside the joints. Gout is more common in men, especially between ages of 30 and 60.
            The base of big toe is usually affected. The big toe becomes red, hot, swollen and very painful. The pain may last for days to weeks if not treated. Arthritis attacks may reoccur at intervals of weeks or months. Gout can also affect other joints like the ankle, knee, wrist and fingers.
            Gout is a curable disease. But if left untreated, it can cause kidney stones, which may lead to kidney damage.
            You know you have gout arthritis when your blood test shows higher value of uric acid indicator. But don’t worry; there are some herbs for arthritis that can improve this type of arthritis.
            Causes of Gout
            One of the main causes for gout is taking too much food high in purines protein such as:
            • Organ meats – liver, kidney, brain
            • Seafood – crab, prawn, cockle, scallop
            • Small fish – sardines, fish roe
            • Meat extracts, yeast extracts
            • Beer
            While avoiding food mentioned above, you need to reduce the following:
            • Asparagus, cauliflower, mushroom and spinach
            • Peanuts, dhal, beans and peas
            • Custard apple
            • Wholegrain breads and cereal
            • Soybean products like bean curd
            When you take in excessive purines, uric acid builds up. So, the first step in treating gout is to control your diet.
            The second cause for gout is weak organs function such as:
            • Over producing of uric acid
            • Problem with uric acid metabolism and removal
            • Combination of both above
            Herbs for Gout
            For this case, we need to strengthen organs related to uric acid such as liver and pancreas. As herbs for arthritis, Ganoderma Lucidum herbs and Cordyceps Sinensis herbs can achieve this.
            Before taking any herbs for arthritis, remember to first take care of your lifestyle and diet as mentioned above. If you don’t control these two important aspects, taking any supplements or herbs for arthritis will be less effective or even useless.
            For serious condition, consult your physician first before taking any herbs for arthritis.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ganoderma Spore The Essence of Ganoderma Lucidum

            Every summer and autumn, when the Ganoderma Lucidum fruit body ripens, it releases Ganoderma spore powder. This spore is used to reproduce and continue its life. Carried away by the wind, most spores ends up in ashes or in the soil. Only the rare lucky spores find their way to the forest and land on wooden log that will mother them. The Ganoderma spore quickly forms primary hypha. The hypha is equivalent to the ovum or sperm of human being. It is not a wholesome life body and is very weak. The primary hypha must find another of its kind in order to complete the fertilization process into secondary hypha, to proceed with normal growth. The process is similar to that of an ovum of female obtaining complete life after being fertilized by a sperm.  The secondary hypha keeps excreting hydrolyses enzyme into the wood. Such enzyme has a very strong decomposing ability. It absorbs fiber after breaking it down and manufactures essential nutrients for its own growth. As long as the nutrients in the wood are sufficient, the secondary hypha will live for many years, even up to a few hundred years. The strong will of hypha proves that it is able to overcome adverse conditions such as humidity and other viral infections. In fact, Ganoderma Lucidum ability to fight against disease, insect and other harmful factor is outstanding among the world of
            When the nutrients in T-shape base have been used up by the hypha and the climatic condition do not allow the continue growth of hypha, some hypha will break down on the surface of the T-shape base and reproduce themselves.
              Following the growth of the fruit body, numerous basidium (spore carrier) are formed within the fruit body. This is why superior grade of fungi like Ganoderma Lucidum and mushroom are known as Basidiomycetes. The two nuclei within the basidium first combined to form a single nucleus. Then, it divides itself to produce four small nuclei, forming four spores. Finally the basidium ejects the ripen Ganoderma spore from its fruit body. The new generation of Ganoderma spore is produced and the cycle repeats itself. This is how Ganoderma Lucidum survives the warm and humid forest environment. It abandons the best of the greenery and chooses to reproduce on decaying wood, making wonders out of the rotten.
            Ganoderma Lucidum is an important ambassador between human being and Mother Nature. It is regarded as the uncrown king of the Mycetes kingdom, making extraordinary contributions to human being. Other members of the Basidiomycetes family such as mushroom and tremella live on wood fiber too. They are also beneficial to our health in one way or another.
            This common characteristic comes not by chance. In the process of breaking down wood fiber, nutrients beneficial to human body are formed.
            The best part is that not only does Ganoderma Lucidum feed on wood fiber, its fruit body will eventually become hard. The polysaccharides and triterpenes produced in this process cannot be found in human body. Some of these components are bioactive and are very important tonics in regulating the internal and external environment of human body. These nutrients are mostly in Ganoderma Lucidum fruit body and Ganoderma spore.
            But the most precious part is the Ganoderma spore. It contains the most beneficial components for our health such as polysaccharides, anoderma acid, vitamins and minerals. However, Ganoderma spore’s shell is hard and solid. Human body cannot easily digest it. That is why a special spore shell breaking technique must be used to unlock its essences. The existence of spore powder depends on the cultivation method. Different types of growth pattern produce different quality of Ganoderma Lucidum.
            Three common cultivation methods are natural growth, vacuum packing and log wood cultivation..

Friday, November 12, 2010

4 Principles of Ganoderma Lucidum Natural Healing Herb

            Using natural healing herb to treat and uproot the cause of chronic disease is no easy task. Conventional medication often finds ways to suppress the symptoms of disease.
            That's why doctors often prescribe medicine such as pain killer, antibiotics and even steroids.
            However, Traditional Chinese Medicine looks to the actual cause of illness for a balanced and complete treatment.
            Below are 4 most important principles for health improvement using natural healing herb…
              Strengthen immune system
              Remove circulatory blockage
              Enhance body energy
              Neutralize and remove toxic
            1) Strengthen Immune System
            This is the basic healing requirement. Improving immunity makes your body stronger to fight against bacteria and virus infection. Every second, countless germs enter your body to threaten your health. You don’t get sick because your immune system wins the cellular wars. You must win these wars in order to live.
            Sometimes when you lose, you fall sick. But when you lose badly for a prolong time, you might get cancer.
            For cancer patient, immune system plays an important role to control and destroy cancerous cells. So this is the first vital healing requirement.
            Ganoderma Lucidum natural healing herb effectively strengthens your immunity because of its Organic Germanium, Polysaccharides and Triterpenes. Besides this, Ganoderma Lucidum herb also regulates immune system to improve auto-immune diseases and allergic reaction such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and SLE (lupus).
            Regulating immune system is to boost weak immunity cells and suppress overactive immunity cells. This produces a balancing effect.
            However, by focusing solely on strengthening immune system, can we heal patient with…
            Or high blood pressure?
            Nope! It’s useless to strengthen their immune system. That is why we need the second important healing principle…
            2) Remove Circulatory Blockage
            For above problems, you need to remove the circulatory blockage for significant health improvement. Circulatory blockage may be caused by the accumulation of cholesterol, fats, blood clots and other foreign substances in blood vessels or lymph vessels.
            Many herb supplements focus on improving immune system. This is actually not enough. You need to effectively remove the blockage for a smoother circulation and healthier body.
            Ganoderma Lucidum natural healing herb is very potent in improving blood circulation and remove circulatory blockage with its Triterpenes and Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP).
            Besides this, some diseases are still incurable with the above two healing principles. Therefore, we need a third one…
            3) Enhance Body Energy
            Take a patient with weak heart for example. By improving her immune system and removing her circulatory blockage, can we enhance her heart energy?
            Not really.
            That’s why we need herbs to enhance her energy to let her organs function normally.
            Ganoderma Lucidum natural healing herb also effectively improves your energy and enhances your organ function.
            Other than this, there is one more important thing you need to do…
            4) Neutralize and Remove Toxic
            Human gets sick because of accumulation of toxics in the body. Look at patient with skin disease.
            If we strengthen her immune system, remove her circulatory blockage and enhance her energy… can we heal her?
            Again, not really.
            We need to neutralize the accumulated toxics and remove it out from her body. Only then we can see significant improvement.
            You must get rid of your body toxics before you can actually heal your illness. Without neutralizing and removing body toxics, any kind of disease is very hard to cure.
            Ganoderma Lucidum plays an important role in neutralizing and removing body toxics. As natural healing herb, this fungus is particularly effective because of its rich content of minerals (especially Organic Germanium) and strong natural anti-oxidant, Super oxide Dismutase (SOD).
            Not many herbs have all these healing functions covered. Some can only improve immune system. Some is only for blood circulation. But Ganoderma Lucidum effectively and completely covers all these four healing principles. No wonder ancient Chinese calls Ganoderma the heavenly herb. Most patients benefit from this fungus because Ganoderma Lucidum is the basic herb for many diseases. But for some sicknesses, this herb alone is not effective enough. Depending on each individual condition, other natural healing herb is prescribed together for a faster recovery.
            One advantage of Ganoderma Lucidum is that you can consume this natural healing herb for long term without any side effects. As adaptogenic herbs, it seeks to maintain your body balance while improving body constitution.
            Long term consumption of this fungus will certainly delays aging and prevent against today’s common diseases...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ganoderma Negative Reaction Ganoderma Side Effects

            Some people experience temporary Ganoderma negative reaction after taking this herb for a few days. This is more obvious for those with serious or long time chronic illness. For normal healthy person, this side effect doesn’t occur. Actually, this is not a side effect of this herb. It is only a temporary negative reaction. Ganoderma negative effect is resulted when this herb begins showing its effectiveness in
            • clearing circulatory blockage
            • removing toxic
            • and improving body constitution.
            For example,
            High blood pressure may become higher at first, before slowly coming down. The same applies with high blood sugar (diabetes). For chronic stomach ache, patient may feel their stomach getting more painful in the beginning. Body parts with internal injury or circulatory blockage will also become more painful before getting better. This stage is only temporary and normal. It's a hump you must get through before complete healing is achieved with this herb. If the pain is unbearable, reduce dosage to half. Upon getting better, increase the dosage back again. At this stage, patience and faith are extremely important. Some people give up at this stage, blaming it for making their sickness worse. Sometimes, I even get scolded for recommending it. They don't understand about temporary Ganoderma negative reaction. For those who understand this process and have faith in this ancient medicinal herb, health improvement is just around the corner. For my dad, at first he took 2 capsules per day and didn't feel anything. But when he took 4 capsules, he felt pain on his back and right foot. He injured those parts during a motorcycle accident more than 20 years ago. This medicinal herb effectively improves his long time internal injury. After bearing the pain for 2 weeks, it automatically disappeared. That means, his circulation is back to normal. Due to diseases such as asthma, S.L.E. and insomnia, some patients are under long term medication of pain killer, steroids, sleeping pills, etc. For those, taking this herb will neutralize and remove the accumulated toxics from drug medication. Their Ganoderma negative effects are itchiness and red pimple-like dots on their skin. These are very normal reactions. Once the toxics are removed, condition will automatically improve. For patient with weak kidney, they might get some swollen leg for temporary. For serious acne, condition will get worse due to detoxification effect, before getting better.
            So remember...
            Don't worry if you experience any temporary Ganoderma negative reaction. Continue taking it until condition improves. If you cannot bear it, simply reduce the dosage to half and increase it back when you feel better. If the problem persists, quickly consult a doctor. Ganoderma Lucidum has no known side effects for long term consumption. Side effects may occur if unhonest manufacturers mix some steroids into their herbal supplement. Another reason for side effects is the presence of heavy metal such as mercury due to bad Ganoderma cultivation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ganoderma Lucidum Medical Text

From “Detailed Outline of Medicinal Herb”

            Below are translations of this ancient medical text on Ganoderma Lucidum...
Ganoderma Effects on Neurological System (brain)
            Text: Quiets the spirit, strengthens the will
Modern known benefits: Insomnia, anxiety, weak nerves, absent mindedness, after effects of concussion, stroke

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Sensory System (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin)
            Text: Brightens the eyes, enhances colors
            Modern known benefits: Astigmatism, old age hyperopia, cataract, glaucoma, blood accumulation, pus accumulation in nose, blocked nasal passage, hearing loss, middle ear infection, toothache, mouth infection, periodontal disease, herpes blisters, liver spots, warts, dry skin

Ganoderma Effects on Respiratory System (throat, lugs)
            Text: Increase lung chi (energy), opens nasal passages, cures fatigue
            Modern known benefits: Headache, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, arthritis, TB

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Circulatory System (heart, blood)
            Text: Dispels the five evils of heart and abdomen, quiets the spirit
            Modern known benefits: Headache, fear of cold, sore shoulders, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, heart palpitations, high/low blood pressure, anemia, lower white blood cell syndrome, myocardial infarction, hardening of the arteries, after effects of stroke, heart defect, insomnia, anxiety, female sterility due to physiological dysfunction, general gynecological and kidney disorders, extreme urine, waist and urine pain, hemorrhoids, prolapsed anus.

Ganoderma Effects on Digestive System (stomach, intestines)
            Text: Dispels the five evils of heart and abdomen
         Modern known benefits: Headache, anorexia, indigestion, bloated stomach, diarrhea, soft stool, constipation, fear of cold, sore shoulders, lack of energy, allergy, weak stomach and intestines, gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, inflammation of the stomach or intestinal lining, hyperacidity, stomach cancer, insomnia, cardiopalmus, anxiety, menopause syndrome, hair loss, alcoholism, sciatic nerve pain

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Digestive System (spleen)
            Text: Enhances spleen chi (energy)
            Modern known benefits: Fatigue, jaundice, infections of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidney or stomach lining, excessive urine

Ganoderma Effects on Metabolic System (liver, bones, muscles)
            Text: Supplements liver chi (energy), strengthens muscles and bones, increases abdominal chi (energy)
            Modern known benefits: Headache, fear of cold, sore shoulders, nausea, liver spots, herpes blisters, edema, nigh sweats, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, fatigue, anemia, high/low blood pressure, blood clots, cardiopalmus, weakness insomnia, hysteria

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Metabolic System (gall bladder, pancreas)
            Text: Quiets the vital energy and lowers soul
            Modern known benefits: Edema, sore shoulder, heart palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, weak nerves, hysteria, cholecystitis, gallstones, beriberi, hepatitis, stroke, hardening of the artery, pleurisy, rheumatism, waist pain, post menopausal syndromes, epilepsy, pancreatic infection, diabetes

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Excretory System (kidney)
            Text: Enhances kidney chi (energy), diuretic
            Modern known benefits: Headache, edema, fear of cold, irregular urination, excessive urination, high blood pressure, kidney infection, kidney defects, enlarged prostate, incontinence urination, abdominal edema, kidney disease, nerve pain, waist pain, impotence, urinary stone, hemorrhage, weak heart, lack of energy

            Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Excretory System (bladder)
            Text: Diuretic, benefit the joints
            Modern known benefits: Edema, fear of cold, small urine output, severe urine pain, waist pain, bladder infection, bladder lining infection, arthritis, rheumatism

            Ganoderma Lucidum Effects on Sexual System (External organs, pubic hair)
            Text: Lightens and rejuvenates the body
            Modern known benefits: Irregular or painful menstruation, pain when urination, gynecological disorders, lack of sexual interest, impotence, pubic hair loss 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ganoderma Lucidum Medical Research

            Ganoderma Lucidum is the most popular and widely researched among thousand types of this fungus. Chinese scientists began investigating the chemical makeup and medicinal effects of Ganoderma Lucidum in the 1950s. They supported their findings with clinical studies. Research done in China on Ganoderma has spurred international interest. Researchers from China, Japan, Korea and United States have formed an international Ganoderma research association, bringing its research to a global platform.

            Through advanced technology, scientists have attained a better understanding of the main chemical composite of Ganoderma Lucidum which includes active components such as:

            • Organic Germanium
            • Polysaccharides
            Reduce level of unwanted cholesterol, neutralize fats, strengthen immune system and suppress cancerous cells.

            • Triterpenes (bitter substances)
            Also known as Lingzhi acid. It helps to improve gastro-intestines functions, for anti-allergy, anti-inflammation and anti-tumor.

            • Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)
            Can dissolve thrombus and remove blood vessel blockage. Excellent for improving condition of high blood pressure, stroke, heart vessel blockage and numbness.

            • Super oxide Dismutase (SOD)
            Effective for antioxidant, anti-free radicals and anti-ageing. It slows down the ageing of cells and promotes rejuvenation. They also researched on the special effects and treatment of Ganoderma on circulatory system, nervous system and immune system as well as its anti-cancer effects. Our body operates on these major systems. If these systems are not properly regulated, one can succumb to illnesses. The active components of Ganoderma are able to regulate the various systems, enhance stability and at the same time ensure a balance between the internal and external body conditions. Besides preventing diseases, the strengthening effects of Ganoderma are particularly effective in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases especially common symptoms such as:

            • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
            • Diabetes
            • Headaches
            • Liver disease
            • Kidney disease
            • Arthritis
            • Asthma
            • Insomnia
            • Acne
            • Menopause

            In addition, Ganoderma can also eliminate toxins accumulated in the body through the intake of various western medication, antibiotic, pain killers and anti inflammatory medication. It thus achieves a detoxification effect. In this fast paced modern world, people are subjected to extensive pressure resulting in tension, insomnia, giddiness, fatigue and loss of appetite. The Organic Germanium found in Ganoderma helps to enhance the ability of blood stream to take in oxygen by more than 1.5 times. It also helps to increase the rate of metabolism and delay aging.

            According to research by Japanese doctors, the amount of Organic Germanium in Ganoderma is about 800 to 2000 ppm (parts per million), which is 4 to 6 times more than Ginseng. In addition, Ganoderma Lucidum also contains polysaccharides that help to strengthen immune system. Hence the stabilizing effects of Ganoderma Lucidum can help to strengthen one’s health, improve vitality and improve immune system. In short, Ganoderma Lucidum obviously delays the process of ageing. This is the essence of saying in Sheng Nong Herbal Classic that states, “Continuous consumption of Ganoderma will make your body light and young, lengthening life and turn you into someone like an immortal who never dies.”

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ganoderma Lucidum Article

            Due to the increasing popularity of Ganoderma in improving various diseases including cancer, many media and newspaper had reported about this miracle fungus.

            Below are actual articles from newspaper and medical report for your reference...

              Ganoderma is the best
              Ganoderma prevent cancer cells
              Ganoderma improves cancer, helps blood clot, enhance immune system and promote longevity scientific proofs of Ganoderma as Cancer Herbs
             The unique Ganoderma Triterpenes
             Ganoderma Lucidum is the Best
             China Times - 16th August 1996
             The mysteries of Ganoderma Lucidum have been revealed throughout Taiwan in recent years when many experts world wide gathered at the republic to present their findings on this medicinal herb.

            The efficacy of Ganoderma Lucidum is not only confined to anti-cancer and immunity improvement, but also for overcoming diseases such as AIDS and Hepatitis C. The delegates from China even say that it can promote longevity.

            However, a professor from Taiwan Agriculture University has the opinion that story in Chinese folklore actually means that this herb is so precious that it can only be seen once in a millennium.

            Today, most people extract Ganoderma Lucidum for its Polysaccharides. To find an efficacious and useful Ganoderma Lucidum, we have to look for its young shoot about one year old.

            Scientific studies on Polysaccharides have confirmed that a little bit of Polysaccharides is enough to stimulate secretion of immunity cells.

            Professor Wang from Taipei Yongzhong Medical Research Center said that Ganoderma Polysaccharides are anti-allergy, anti-tumor and can promote secretion of immunity cells.

            He further said that contemporary experiment showed that 400 milligrams of Ganoderma Polysaccharides can promote growth of immunity cells.

            Many results showed that this herb can improve immunity. Nevertheless, many Ganoderma Lucidum sold in the market do not have Polysaccharides extraction which limit its efficacy.

            A professor of Education University in Shanghai who has done research on those who suffered from fatigue, insomnia, poor memory revealed that this herb can improve body weakness, protect liver and anti-ageing.

            Ganoderma Lucidum Prevent Cancer Cells
            China Times - 14th July 1993

            For Chinese Traditional Medication, Ganoderma Lucidum is considered as an effective medicine to heal many diseases. A report from Taipei Veterans General Hospital showed that it contains Polysaccharides which increase body immunity.

            Nevertheless, as pointed out by Prof Wang, most Ganoderma Lucidum in the market are old, cultivated using wood dust and contain little Polysaccharides. Following that, little medicinal effect can be obtained.

            Consumers are reminded to be more careful in purchasing this herb because low quality ones not only lack medicinal qualities but also slows down the healing process. Prof Wang submitted his findings on the effectiveness of preventive role played by Ganoderma Lucidum on cancer. He stated that a number of chemical processes are needed to separate the components of Polysaccharides. They also needed to test Macrophages and T-Lymphocyte cells changes in the lymph fluid.

            The results showed that only a small amount of Polysaccharides is needed to get good results. The infected white blood cells will be reduced while cancer cell's activity will be stopped. This research has been endorsed by the International Council of Medicine, which published magazine concerning Tumor Prevention Research.

            Prof Wang found that minimal Polysaccharides can promote the growth of Macrophages and Lymphocyte cells. This shows that Polysaccharides can increase body immunity.

            However, research for the prevention of cancer found that the use of Polysaccharides to promote immunity can prevent the growth of cancer. At the same time, it transforms negative cancerous cells into positive ones.

            Prof Wang alleged that Ganoderma Lucidum has been misused by irresponsible dealers. Nevertheless, the final stage of cancer still needs laser treatment, operation and this herb only plays the supplementary role.

             Ganoderma Lucidum Improves Cancer, Helps Blood Clot, Enhance Immune System and Promote Longevity
            Taiwan Health and Hygiene News - Tuesday, 18th January 1988

            According to a report made by the cooperation of 3 professors of Taipei Medical Institute and Taiwan Medical Institute, Professor Chen Hui Hua, Wong Yi Chen and Tung Ta Chen, there is an early prevention for cancer.

            After 3 years of hard work experimenting Ganoderma Lucidum on animals, finally they managed to prove that it is able to prevent cancer cells S-180 from growing, help blood clot, enhance immune system and helps achieve longevity.

            Based on a research on the effect of this fungus on cancer patients for 3 years, its function can be divided into five categories:

            1) Increase life span
            Long term use has been proven to keep cancerous cells from spreading to other body parts. The proof for this function is there was an old woman aged 83 who had lung cancer and coughing problem especially at night. Her phlegm was with blood. Doctor predicted she can only stay alive for 3 months.

            After consuming this herb, she amazingly live for 15 more months (resulting in life prolongation of 12 months) and died of natural death.

            2) Produce natural antibody
            In today's industrial world, much negative elements find its way to our body through our mouth and nose. Air and water are seriously polluted these days. Human breathing system and skin are also being exposed to virus and bacteria. All these are major causes of cancer. Ganoderma Lucidum has brought hope for this and those who take it regularly never end up with cancer.

            3) Pain control
            Late stages of cancer bring severe pain. Sedatives and morphine have always been the solution for it. However, these drugs can only achieve temporary effect. Regular consumption of this herb can reduce almost all the pain. At the same time, it prevents cancer cells from spreading to other body parts.

            4) Prevent the formation of blockage in arteries
            According to a medical statistic, the actual cause of death from cancer is artery blockage and not the cancer cell itself. This fact has been neglected all this while. To prevent arteries blockage, we should take more high cellulose and cereals food.

            5) Quick recovery
            It is able to give cancer patient a quick recovery after surgery. This is acknowledged and recommended by traditional and modern medical specialists.

            Scientific proofs of Ganoderma Lucidum as Cancer Herbs
            Taiwan Daily News - Wednesday, 15th April 1987
            Traditionally, this herb is used as remedy for many kinds of disease. Recently, the National Chinese Medical Research Institute proved that it has many healing properties such as to reduce blood pressure, to heal bronchus disease and to maintain liver condition.

            At present, cancer is the top ten most dangerous diseases in Taiwan. Therefore, medical specialist is making effort in researching Ganoderma Lucidum to overcome this disease. According to the Head of Research Institute, Mr. Liew Kuo Choo, this fungus is a quality herb and is classified according to its color; green, yellow, red, white, purple and pink.

            According to him, the research used the red one, Ganoderma Lucidum as the main constituent because it is said to be able to calm emotions, prevent coughs and heal asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, liver infections and others. Beside that, Ganoderma Lucidum is mainly tested because from it, polysaccharides and LingZhi acid can be extracted for the purpose of swelling prevention. This interesting finding has been recorded and is highly reliable.

            Experiment showed that it can:

            1) Reduce tension
            A white mouse was placed in a box and all its movement was recorded. Then Ganoderma Lucidum was injected and between 1 to 3 hours the movement slowed down. This showed that it is good for insomnia.

            2) Reduce blood pressure
            The results of the same experiment showed that blood pressure of the mouse went down from 195 to 173. This was continued up to 25 hours.

            3) Strengthen the heart
            In the same experiment, the results showed that different concentration will show different potential in shrinking the heart which changes from 100 to 53.5 times.

            4) Maintain function of respiratory system.
            They separated the bronchus to 5 distinctive shapes of rings, which in turn form into a chain. Then it is hung in the test tube at 35 degree angle. A reading is then taken. It expands and later shrunk.

            This is maintained for a period of 2 to 2.5 minutes. The pointed section will shrink for 10 minutes. This enables the measuring of the effects of expansion and constriction of bronchus.

            The Unique Ganoderma Triterpenes
            Professor Dong Yi Zhi from Taipei Medical College, Department of Biochemistry
            Professor Su Qin Hwa from Taipei Medical College, Department of Microbiological Immunology Based on the reports from in and out of the country, Ganoderma Lucidum is found to have different physical functions. In the market, it has become a new and effective form of health food.

            This gives this fungus a mysterious reputation. There are, in fact, many reports that seek to explain its healing properties. The universally accepted sources of its prowess are:

            1) Macromolecular Polysaccharides
            2) Different varieties of Triterpenes

            Macromolecular Polysaccharides is formed by a group of monosaccharide. It can cure tumors and lower blood sugar concentration. These polysaccharides are not only present in Ganoderma Lucidum but also in other good bacteria and micro organism such as mushrooms, Cordyceps Sinensis and others.

            Ganoderma Lucidum is a better herb mainly because of another important substance, Triterpenes. It has as much as 100 to 200 different types of these complex chemical substances that give out its existing bitterness.

            Some contains a strong aroma, some not at all. According to a finding by a Japanese academician, Prof. Xiau Ming Zhi, there are at least more than 100 types of
Triterpenes produced by a substance known as “Zhe Zhi”.

             Some of which may be found in certain plant seeds whereas some in mycelin. The substances are based on its structure and can be divided into Ling Zhi acid, Zhe Zhi acid, Zhe Ling acid and other kind of substances, such as aldo Ling Zhi and lyserol.

            Most of these elements are labeled as A, B, C... Z or other symbols according to the discovery order so that its minute chemical structural differences are distinguishable. These substances will usually dissolve in chlorine, methanol or propane but its solubility in cold water is rather low. The Ganoderma spore contains 3 to 4 % of the substances above and this can be considered quite high.

            Triterpenes are the important element that it is only found in this herb. How does Triterpenes contribute to its healing properties? So far, we know that:

            1) Ling Zhi acid C and D can cure allergies,
            2) Ling Zhi acid K & S, aldo Ling Zhi A can prevent decrease in blood pressure,
            3) Prof. Xiau Ming Zhi has successfully separated steroid from filium in Ganoderma Lucidum and discovered that it can lower fat,
            4) For liver problems caused by chemicals, Ganoderma Lucidum helps to decrease GOT and GTP. The high content of these substances is the reason why Ganoderma Lucidum is so valuable.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ganoderma Extract Herb Supplement

            More Ganoderma extract herb supplement is available in the market due to its increasing worldwide popularity. It ranges from Ganoderma coffee to Ganoderma extract powder. All these supplements are claimed to have significant healing effects.
            However, we may or may not feel the claimed health benefits. Below are several factors you must consider when choosing Ganoderma herb supplements.
            1) Ganoderma extract or grinding
            Some company simply grinds this herb into powder form. Some uses high technology extraction method to extract only its essences into powder form. Extraction concentration can be as high as 15 to 1. That means, 1,000 kg of this fungus is extracted to only 65kg. One capsule of Ganoderma extract at 15 to 1 concentration is equivalent to 15 capsules of the grinded one. Needless to say, Ganoderma herb supplement using extraction method is many times more effective and pure than grinding method.
            2) Capsulated or log wood cultivation
            Most Ganodermas are capsulated (vacuum packing) cultivated using wooden crams and chemicals. This produces softer fruit body with less active components for effective health improvement. Because of the chemicals used, some may even be contaminated with toxics and even heavy metals such as mercury. Meanwhile, log wood cultivated Ganoderma is a few times more potent in its medicinal values. It is purer with higher content of beneficial active components. However, this cultivation method is much more expensive in term of the space used and time required. So, many manufacturers prefer to use capsulated cultivated Ganoderma.
            3) Ganoderma spore powder 
            Spore powder is the most precious part of Ganoderma herb with the most concentration of active components like Organic Germanium, Polysaccharides and Triterpenes. Choose Ganoderma extract with spore powder for better results. Make sure the spore shell is broken to release its essences.
            4) International quality certification
            Of course, we would better select a manufacturer with experience and excellent production quality control. This ensures the quality consistence of their supplement product, all the time.
            5) Percentage of Ganoderma extract
            Some manufacturer includes a tiny fraction of Ganoderma into their herb supplement, mixed with other ingredients. As such, the healing effect is far less than the pure one. However, some acclaimed pure Ganoderma extract may not be pure at all. Maybe 20% is Ganoderma and the rest is filler. This is another point of concern - the honesty and credibility of manufacturer.
             How to test Ganoderma herb supplement.  Forget about all the claims by manufacturer on how pure and how good their Ganoderma herbal product is. Follow these simple steps for accurate Ganoderma test for its efficacy.
             First, fill a glass with water and pour in some cooking oil such as olive oil. Then, open up a Ganoderma extract capsule and spread some of its powder on top of the oil surface. The powder will float on the oil surface. Here comes the first test point. See whether the extract powder can slowly penetrate the oil. This shows its ability to pass through fats and cholesterol clot in our blood vessel wall and cleanses it.

            For second Ganoderma test point, leave it for around 10 days and take a look.
            This is good Ganoderma extract. It blends evenly with the water after a few days. The oil surface is clear of any mould. This means it has strong germ fighting ability. This is not your choice of Ganoderma extract. It still floats on the oil surface. Take a closer look and you can see mould on the surface. This one has weak germ fighting ability.

             Now, the third test point for Ganoderma spores. Take a look at the bottom of the glass. The spore powder is the white substance deposited at the bottom. This is what we want - Ganoderma spore powder, the most precious part of this medicinal herb.

           Ganoderma spore can hardly be seen. We can expect very less healing effects here. For the final Ganoderma test point, cover the glass with transparent paper and leave it for as long as possible. The better Ganoderma extract can preserve the mould-free environment for many years. This is a simple and effective test method.

            You can also test for its taste. Pure Ganoderma taste very bitter. For a more thorough Ganoderma test, you need to submit Ganoderma extract sample to the laboratory to test for heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead. Test for the content of steroids too as it might be misused. It harms our body for long term consumption. Ganoderma is one of the few herb supplements that can be safely taken for long term. However, we must make sure that we are taking the purest one...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ganoderma Cultivation and Growth

           In ancient times, scientific Ganoderma cultivation method was not well known. As a very rare herb, it can only be found in mountain cliffs. Hence, it was very precious...

           In 1970, a technician of Kyoto University Foodstuff Scientific Research Institute, Mr. Yukio Naoi, used “Spore Separation Ganoderma Cultivation Method” to successfully cultivate this fungus.

           This cultivation method was introduced to China in 1975. Since the climate and soil conditions are ideal, this technique has been widely adopted. The success of mass production method means that more people around the world can benefit from this once rare ancient herb.

            Ganoderma growth can be grouped into:
            • Natural growth
            • Capsulated cultivation
            • And log wood cultivation.
            Each has its own growth pattern, pros and cons.

            1. Natural Ganoderma Growth

            This is grown in nature, commonly known as wild Ganoderma Lucidum. It depends on decomposed wooden particle of tree to form its fruit body. However, this scarce fungus is usually found in mountain areas that are high and steep.

            Even if someone finds it by chance, its effects are always lost because of aging. It becomes hard like leather. Wild Ganoderma Lucidum may also be toxic. By then, the Ganoderma spore powder in the fruit body has already been released. Hence its potency is very low.

            Since these fungi are haphazardly collected, quality control is impossible.

            2. Capsulated Ganoderma Cultivation (Vacuum packing)

            This popular Ganoderma cultivation method uses crams of wood and chemical materials. Such Ganoderma Lucidum has a short growth period and can be harvested in three months. A high productivity and low cost of this cultivation makes it highly cost effective. However, as the fungus is grown on wooden crams and chemicals, it causes much consideration by the consumer.

            Ancient culture with capsulated ganoderma cultivation. Quality may not be good enough, but now has the intellectual development of a culture without  of chemistry, but organic. This cultivation makes it high qulity, true quality. Filled with the valuable substances.

            The content of Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides are higher. Furthermore, Ganoderma spore powder, the most precious part of Ganoderma Lucidum, can be extracted. Hence its curing effect is much higher.
           3. Log wood Ganoderma Cultivation

            Log wood Ganoderma Lucidum is cultivated on natural log wood, taking about one year to harvest. The process is long, time consuming and requires much effort. However, as it takes time to fully absorb sunlight and water, it has a solid and firm body. It also contains invaluable Ganoderma spore.

            Hence the active components and medicinal values of log wood Ganoderma
Lucidum cannot be matched by other Ganoderma cultivation methods.

            Currently, there are many herb supplements that include Ganoderma Lucidum as ingredient. Some are good but some are not that effective. It depends on several important factors. To get the best health benefits from this ancient herb, you need to know how to distinguish between the good and the bad...