Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ganoderma Lucidum Herbs for Menopause


            What herbs for menopause that can help a woman go through this normal aging process smoothly?
Menopause happens when ovary function starts to decline. Thus, female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone slowly reduce, causing cholesterol level to raise and increase the risk of:
• High blood pressure
                        • Heart disease
                        • Stroke
                        • Osteoporosis
                        • Degenerative Arthritis
They also tend to suffer from insomnia, restless, vaginal inflammation, dry skin and other menopause syndromes. According to statistic, bone density will decrease by 2% to 3% in the first 2 to 3 years of menopause. After 10 years, it will decrease by 15% to 50%, causing serious osteoporosis.
            However, some supplement and herbs for menopause can help to improve body condition and reduce diseases associated with menopause.
            The first herb is Ganoderma Lucidum. This medicinal fungus contains Triterpenes that clears blood vessels from unwanted cholesterol and fats deposits. Ganoderma’s Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP) improves blood circulation and removes blood clot.
            As herbs for menopause, Ganoderma Lucidum can reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
            The second herb is Cordyceps Sinensis. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Cordyceps can increase kidney and lung energy. According to TCM, kidney supports the function of bone. Therefore, Cordyceps Sinensis can prevent and improve bone problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis. It also improves body condition due to aging process.
            Besides these herbs for menopause, some natural supplements can effectively help to regulate hormone imbalance caused by menopause. Conventional treatment uses female Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to improve menopausal syndromes.
            However, the Journal of American Medical Association reported that consumption of female hormones increase the chance of suffering from breast cancer, heart attack and stroke. The risk of getting cervical cancer for woman who takes hormone pills for 1 to 5 years is 5 times higher compared to those who do not take it. After taking the pills for 7 years, the risk is 18 times higher.
            So what are the alternatives? Nature provides us the answers…
            Bee’s Royal Jelly is known to contain the highest amount of natural hormones. Royal Jelly helps to improve menopause syndrome and improve vaginal dampness. Constant consumption can enhance body rejuvenation, enhance immune system and keeps your skin glittering smooth.
            However, the most important supplement for menopause is Soy Isoflavones.
            Isoflavones extracted from soy bean is a type of phytoestrogen with similar functions as female hormones. Therefore, Soy Isoflavones replenish woman’s hormone to naturally improve menopause syndrome and reduce diseases associated with menopause.
            Soy Isoflavones has a more selective function. It will only function on the bones and internal surface of blood vessels. It will not function on breast and uterus. Therefore, it will not cause breast and uterus cancer.
            Soy Isoflavones can even suppress excess estrogen what you absorb and reduce the risk of breast and uterus cancer.
            The American Heart Association Bulletin, May 2000, reported that soy
            Bean’s Isoflavones is a better choice of hormone therapy compared to medicines. Daily consumption of 92 mg isoflavone for 6 months will increase backbone density by 2.2%.
            American Clinical Gynecology magazine reported that daily intake of 60 mg Isoflavones will reduce 60% of menopause syndromes and 13% low density fatty protein.
            Other researches showed that isoflavones have strong anti-tumor, anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties.
            With herbs for menopause such as Ganoderma Lucidum and Cordyceps Sinensis combined with natural supplement like Royal Jelly and Soy Isoflavones, many menopause woman can lead a healthy and normal life.
            Together with sufficient exercise and healthy emotions, menopause is no longer a disturbing aging problem.