Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ganoderma Lucidum Herbs for Headaches

    How Ganoderma Lucidum acts as herbs for headaches to improve headaches naturally and effectively?
    Before we learn how Ganoderma Lucidum and other herbs for headaches help, let’s find out what causes headache.
            Eye, ear and nose problems can cause headache. Blood circulation blockage and even tumor growth in head will also cause this bothering problem.
            In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are many other causes for headache including:
            Too much body heat especially in liver, stomach and intestine Blood disorder and blood blockage. Entrance of cold wind, hot wind or damp wind into the body Weakness in kidney energy you need to aware that headaches are not a disease. It’s a symptom of other hidden health problems in your body.
            Therefore, to cure headaches, you need to identify its root cause. Only then, we can uproot the underlying problem. Each specific headache needs a set of specific herbs for headaches.
            However, it’s bothering to see so many people solve their headache problem with pain-killer. Although it helps to relieve the symptom, these drugs don’t really cure. After a while, the pain returns as the root problem is still unsolved.
            Consequently, over the time, you may discover that you require a higher dosage to suppress the pain.
            In the long run, these pain-killers can cause even more serious health problem such as:
              Hardening of liver
              Liver cancer
              Kidney problem
            If you visit a kidney dialysis center and ask around, you will discover about 1 in 5 of the kidney patient has been taking pain-killer for many years.
            Taking pain-killer instead of herbs for headaches is like destroying the smoke detector while it gives out fire alarm. The wiser move is to put up the fire to prevent further damage to your house.
            Although there are many causes for headaches, we can group these causes into 3 groups, namely:
              Nerve pain
              Muscle pain
              Blood vessel pain
            One herb that stands out in term of improving blood circulation and removing blood vessel blockage is Ganoderma Lucidum herbs. It’s Triterpenes and Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP) can effectively remove unwanted cholesterol, fatty substances and even blood clot that may block your blood vessels.
            Ganoderma Lucidum herbs can also relax and calm your nerves. Therefore, it helps to improve headaches caused by nerve pain. Another supplement good for nerve is Egg Lecithin, which strengthen the protective layer around brain nerves.
            Cordyceps Sinensis as herbs for headaches can improve headaches associated with weak kidney. It is traditionally used to enhance kidney energy.
            Five Leaves Ginseng herbs (Rhinacanthus Nasutus) and White Crane Lingzhi herbs (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) can significantly reduce body heat to improve headaches caused by too much heat in the organs.
            Besides taking herbs for headaches, you must take care of your lifestyle for better recovery.
            Try to reduce stress, tension and other emotional problems. Don’t get angry. These unhealthy emotions cause your muscles and blood vessels to contract, causing pain. If you can be happy and cheerful everyday, your muscles, nerves and vessels will relax. Consequently, you’ll realize your headache occurrence will be lesser and lesser until it’s completely gone. Reduce intake of high heat food such as spicy, fried and grilled food. Sleep early to prevent body heat build-up. Preferably, sleep before 11 pm at night. Reduce coffee and tea consumption.
            With a healthy lifestyle and herbs for headaches, you can significantly improve your headache naturally over the time.

1 comment:

Foreign Pharmacies said...

Normally whenever we experience headaches all we do is popp in few asprins or some pain pills which does give us some relief but not before long we sense the same pain again reverting back again. We will now discuss about Cluster Headache and how can it be cured and its relevant remedies.

The most average age that people usually experience these Cluster Headaches is 30 years but it can start anytime between the age of 20 to 50. But you never know, you can develop these excruciating cluster headaches at any point of time. Men are most commonly struck with these sort of headaches as compared to women. Reports reveal that about five out of every six who undergo this kind of headache are usually male.