Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ganoderma Lucidum Herbs for Kidney

             Some herbs for kidney can enhance kidney energy and restore its functions.
       Kidney is an important organ to filter blood and expel waste substances through urine. This pair of fist sized organ is located at the back of stomach. Each kidney contains approximately 1 million cells. Those kidney cells absorb back nutrients from the blood and leave some water together with waste materials out as urine.
              In western medical theory, herbs for kidney will strengthen kidney functions to improve:
              Acute kidney infection (inflammation)
              Chronic kidney infection
              Last stage kidney infection
              Herbs for kidney also improve diseases associated with the weakening of this vital organ such as:
              High uric acid (Gout)
              Protein in urine
              Weak immune system
              However, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards kidney as having more important functions. According to TCM, kidney stores 3 kinds of energy:
              Prenatal energy
              Postnatal energy
              Energy of the five main organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney)
              Kidney is regarded as the foundation of “yin” (negative) and “yang” (positive) energy for the 5 main organs. It supports and affects the functions of:
              Waist (back)
              With these TCM theories on kidney functions, let’s see what herbs for kidney can help to improve common health problems.
              It enhances prenatal energy stored in kidney. Therefore, it improves:
              Slow or retarded child growth (e.g.: small sized and skinny children)
              Children with no appetite
              Children with bedwetting problem
              By enhancing kidney’s postnatal energy, these herbs improve health conditions caused by aging especially during menopause stage of men and women.
              Kidney stores energy for the 5 organs. It acts as the “yin yang” foundation for those organs. Therefore, herbs that strengthen kidney can improve diseases associated with the 5 organs especially:
              Asthma (lung)
              Hardening of liver
              Liver cancer
              Lastly, herbs for kidney can improve health conditions such as:
              Bone spur and osteoporosis
              Teeth problems
              Hearing problems
              Hair loss
              Brain disease (e.g.: stroke, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease)
              Weak leg
              Afraid of cold
              Frequent urination
              Kidney cells that have died cannot be revived. Herbs can only strengthen the functions of remaining kidney cells, preventing further damage. That is why it is impossible to treat a patient undergoing dialysis because their kidney has seriously contracted.
             However, there is still some hope for patient that is near to having dialysis. These are usually patients with the following indicators in their medical report:
              High Creatinine in blood
              High Urea in blood
              Protein existence in urine (urine with bubbles that won't disperse)
              Please aware that medical report is only an indicator for reference. If medical report shows that your kidney function is okay, it doesn’t really mean it.
              If both your kidney has contracted to half (half of the cells died), your report still shows a normal kidney function. The half kidney can still handle the capacity to filter all your blood. That’s why some people donate one kidney out and still alive.
               But when your kidneys are left with around 20% to 30% of the original cells, your medical report starts to show abnormal indicators. Usually, it is too late and you will need to undergo a torturing treatment – dialysis.
             You must suspect you have weaker kidney when you experience the following symptoms:
              Increase in blood pressure
              Difficulty in urinating
              Frequent urinating even when sleeping
              Pain at waist (back)
              Urine with too much bubble
              Weak leg
              Kidney diseases are associated with the following factors:
              Eat too much salty food (burden to kidney, heart and blood vessel)  
        Eat too much meat and seafood
              Drink less water
              Long term medication of antibiotics, pain killers, steroids, etc.(toxics)
              High blood pressure (damage kidney blood vessels)
              Always angry and stressful
              SLE – lupus (auto immune reaction)
              Often untreated sore throat (inflammation)
              Often refrain from urinating
              Prostate enlargement in men
              Once you know the causes, you must know how to prevent it. Kidney disease is a very torturing disease. For patients with high blood pressure and diabetes, they can go anywhere they like provided they take medications on time.
               But for patients undergoing dialysis, they cannot go anywhere they like. They need to go for dialysis 3 to 4 times per week. One session usually lasts for 4 hours. They cannot even drink too much water.
                So, please take care of your kidneys.
                Besides herbs for kidney, there are some foods that can improve kidney energy such as black bean and black sesame. Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for kidney certainly help to improve its functions too. Ganoderma Lucidum's Nucleic Acid strengthens kidney to neutralize toxic, reduces protein in urine and breaks down cholesterol.
                 However, according to ancient Chinese medical classics, the most potent herbs for kidney is Cordyceps Sinensis (Dong Chong Xia Cao). It’s a type of precious fungus grown in China with high medicinal values.
                  For better effects, take Ganoderma Lucidum and Cordyceps Sinensis together as they support each other to improve kidney function.

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