Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cancer and Lingzhi Some Japanese Research (3)

Lingzhi and a Brain Tumor Patient

"We have made many discoveries. Using brain disease patients as examples, one 70 years old plus patient in the hospital had a 5 cm brain tumor. He had already lost consciousness despite surgery. He began the Lingzhi treatment around June and by September, he had recovered his senses, but the size of the tumor had remained the same. However by December, the tumor had decreased in size, even the neurologist was amazed. The patient now feels very well. Initially he was administered 6 grams of Lingzhi essence through a stomach tube. After the recovery of his senses, oral intake was administered. The patient did not like the bitter taste of Lingzhi essence, so the amount was reduced to 3 grams. Although the dosage had been reduced, his brain tumor eventually shrunk to about 1 cm. With the return of his memory, he left the hospital and stayed home with the family instead.

Lingzhi and a Lung Cancer Patient

"I once treated a fifty plus female patient who had breast cancer. After her breast surgery, she had developed metastasis lung cancer. Later she deteriorated to hemoptysis. She began to use about 6 gm. of Lingzhi daily for 6 months and the cancerous lung tumor disappeared. Before, she is often short of breath, but now she can walk up the stairs effortlessly. Therefore, she has complete confidence in the continuation of the Lingzhi treatment.

Lingzhi and a Breast Cancer Patient

"This patient had breast cancer and the cancer cells had metastases to the bones. She had not been able to move from the head down. The pain was excruciating. Luckily, her digestive system was not affected and she was able to take 9 grams of Lingzhi essence daily, which was later increased, to 20 grams. In just 2 months, she felt no pain. She had been discharged from the hospital after she made progress in her walking ability.

Lingzhi and a Cancer of the Rectum and Liver Patent

"Some time ago, this patient came to the hospital for treatment of metastasis of rectal cancer to the liver. He was given 6 grams of Lingzhi essence. In 6 months, CT scanning reported that the cancerous tumor had decreased to about 1 cm in size, but the CT specialists did not believe in the merits of Lingzhi and insisted that there was a mistake in the scanning. I was angered by this and argued that not only had the patient's CEA swelling came down but his general health had also improved. Was it not enough proof? Ordinarily, it is difficult to treat rectal cancers. Some cases are even terminal. This patient had such a smooth recovery that could only be credited to Lingzhi. Generally speaking, it is easier to treat rectal tumor under 3 cm in size.

Lingzhi and a Pancreas Cancer Patient

"A 60 year old male pancreas cancer patient had surgery and was in a better state for a while, but later deteriorated. He had edema and lost weight. Examination results revealed that he had extremely high count of CA19-9CEA. I informed him that with his present treatment he would die within a short period of time. I advised him to be hospitalized. Due to financial reasons, he was given another kind of medication but he reacted unfavorably to it. Therefore, we had to change his treatment to 9 grams of Lingzhi essence orally and 30 grams of Vitamin C through intravenous injection daily. This began from August of 1986 that was over 1 year ago. The patient had since completely recovered and various examinations could not detect symptoms of any kind. He has gone back to work but continues to take 5 grams of Lingzhi daily. He comes for a follow-up examination every 2 weeks and repeat CEA examinations show that his CA19-19 count continues to drop.

"There are many more such cancer cases in my hospital. Although cancer cases involving the brain, lungs and liver are more serious, I feel that it is easier to treat than the cases involving the digestive organs. It is harder for the patients of the latter to ingest Lingzhi orally."
This doctor believes that a program of around 5+ grams of Lingzhi per day is required.  Five grams would be one box of ten x 10-ml vials every day.  This tonic is best taken with warm water at regular at regular throughout the day.  Obviously this can be an expensive program.

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